Library Board Approved Minutes - February 14, 2013

DeForest Area Public Library Regular Library Board Minutes
Minutes Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    • President Van Iten called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
    • Present : Bales, Blount, Englesby, Gorres, Van Iten.
    • Absent and excused : Lawrence, Zeimet.
    • Also present : Berg, Newbegin.
  2. Approval of Agenda
    • Motion to Approve as presented : Blount.
    • Second : Bales.
    • Action : Approved.
  3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2013.
    • Motion to Approve as presented : Englesby.
    • Second : Gorres.
    • Discussion : None.
    • Action : Approved.
  4. Public Presentations / Communications
    • Berg noted communication from Google regarding an opportunity for the library to be part of indoor map project, at no cost. There was discussion about the project and its potential benefits, and there was agreement that Berg should go forward with project.
  5. Approval of Bills
    • Motion to Approve the Bills as presented : Gorres.
    • Second : Englesby.
    • Discussion : Berg noted automation and databases were the biggest bills. Other bills discussed were janitorial supplies, DASD Child Development Day, and WPLC Overdrive.
    • Action : Approved.
  6. Reports
    1. Director's - Berg reported on the new phone system. She noted she had been attending many webinars lately, and she also discussed the effects of new health care laws. Berg gave an update on the Winter Reading Program and noted the Duck Chuck and the Duckwood Derby had been very well-attended. She reported the belly dancing classes at the library are also very popular.
    2. President's - None.
    3. Village Update - Blount gave an update on the Main Street development, noted the Village is getting ready for road repairs, and noted some DOT area road projects.
  7. Old Business
    1. Discussion of Budget and Operations document.
      • Berg noted she received the finalized 2012 numbers today, and has been working on the staffing and standards portion of the document. The interpretation of the standards was discussed. Berg said she will update the document now that she has the final data. Blount suggested being on the Village agenda in March.
    2. Discussion and Possible Approval of the DPI Annual Report.
      • Berg handed out copies of the Annual Report. Discussion followed. Berg noted the circulation, patron, and programming numbers were up slightly and e-book use was up quite a bit. There was discussion about drop-in programming numbers. Berg noted the use by other counties was closer to normal again. Berg will have information on trends and comparisons of previous years at the next meeting.
        • Motion to Approve the DPI Annual Report : Englesby.
        • Second : Bales.
        • Discussion : No further discussion.
        • Action : Approved.
  8. New Business
    1. Discussion of Long Range Plan.
      • It was noted the Library has been moving towards its goals. Berg stated not knowing how libraries and technology will change in the future makes it difficult to plan too far ahead. Blount noted the Library can fill a niche in the community. The Library as a community gathering place, and the Library providing public space were briefly discussed. Bales asked Berg to add comment columns to the goals for the next meeting.
  9. Future Agenda Items
    1. Review Employee Handbook.
  10. Adjournment
    • Motion to Adjourn : Bales.
    • Second : Englesby.
    • Action : Approved.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
The next meeting will be Thursday, March 7.
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