April 12, 2012 - National Library Week

We are five sevenths of the way through National Library Week and two days before the 10th Birthday of the library building. National Library Week is a week designed to help remind everybody about the myriad things that public libraries do that adds positive value to the community. Rather than write a laundry list of things the library does or things the library provides and, frankly, since you're reading this you are probably are a library user already and have a pretty good idea of what would be on that library list, let me ask you for a moment to imagine that there were no public libraries. If that very thought fills you with sadness, remorse, nostalgia, or (you choose the emotion) then National Library Week (NLW) does indeed offer something for you to celebrate. And if celebrations make you think about cake, then stop by on Saturday, April 14th and have a piece of birthday cake. And if birthday's make you think about birthday presents...well, what can you give a 10-year-old building (except maybe a fresh coat of paint)? Library staff, on the other hand, always appreciates a kind word and would be happy to be wished a "Happy National Library Week" or "Happy Building Birthday"! When you stop by to celebrate NLW you might enjoy picking up one of the titles listed below.