April 26, 2012 - Celebrate May

This is the last Thursday in April which means May is just around the corner. This year, the old weather adage "April showers bring May flowers" is less than accurate. This year I think you could accurately say " March's heat wave forced the flowers" (Sorry can't figure out how to make a couplet out of this - maybe "forced the flowers brave" ? Fortunately, I don't think we'll be needing a weather adage like in years to come, so there's no need to go looking for a couplet that works.) May is a month that prepares us for summer and is one of the prettiest month's there is in this part of Wisconsin. It also has some major holidays - Mother's Day and Memorial Day to name the obvious ones. Did you know that May is also, American Bike Month, Asparagus Month, Flower Month, National Bar-B-Que Month, National Egg Month, National Photo Month, National Salad Month, and National Strawberry Month? The month is rife with special days, including - the obvious - May Day and Cinco De Mayo. But there is also Space Day and Sesame Street's Susan's Birthday on May 4th, National Teacher Day on the 8th. The 8th is also No Socks Day followed by Lost Sock Memorial Day on May 9th. Then there's National Chocolate Chip Day on the 15th, Armed Forces Day of the 19th, National Tap Dance Day on the 25th, and Blueberry Cheesecake Day on the 16th. As you can see, there are lots of reasons to celebrate in the coming month. I'm guessing this library will add one more reason and that will be our 5 millionth check-out on an automated circulation system. Stay tuned as we get to the countdown phase. The tension is mounting. If you check out some of the books below, you'll help get us to that number quicker. Enjoy!