April 5, 2012 - Library Celebrations on the Horizon

I knew it would happen. Last week when I stated, in writing, that I thought Spring was officially here, well, you just sort of knew I was jinxing things, didn't you. These frosty mornings and cold, gloomy days seem to be Mother Nature's way of keeping us from getting overconfident about anything related to the weather. But really, we are in the first week of April, Easter will soon be upon us, the weather forecast has temperatures trending upward, the grass is green, the tree pollen is flying, and the dawn chorus is getting louder (and earlier) every morning. And just so you know, National Library week is coming up soon. It is always the second week of April - which means it will be well advanced by the time next week's column rolls around. Our 10th anniversary in this building is coming up on April 14th. I'm sure we will mark the date with some celebration which will be on top of the celebration already underway for National Library Week. I'm sure some of these celebrations will include refreshments - possibly cake. Stop in next week and check out what's happening at your public library. In case refreshments don't appeal to you, then perhaps you'll want to check out some of these new books that have recently arrived. Enjoy!