December 22, 2011 - First Day of Winter

Here it is the first day of Winter (Did you notice when it arrived at 11:30 a.m.?) We'll it's here now and won't be leaving until March 20th, 12:14 A.M. (which is 88 days from now, if you're counting). The first day of winter means that Christmas Eve and Day are only hours away, but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. All your gifts have been bought and wrapped. All your travel plans have been made, cookies baked, meals planned, and you are ready to face the big day. In case you find a few quiet moments during these busy days, there are some books you might enjoy reading listed below. If you don't have time to read them now, then put them on hold and read them after the first of the year when things settle down again. And since I won't be writing again before after the impending holiday, I wish you the happiest of holidays! Have a very merry holiday season!