December 26, 2019 - Wish List

I fell asleep watching a holiday movie the other night, and when I awoke, I had started making a list, not of who had been naughty or nice, but of things I would ask Santa for if I got the chance. I shared the start of this list with some friends of mine who also work in libraries. With their help and the help of the spirit of Christmas (And okay, there may have been other spirits involved as well. But really, we were just drinking egg nog.)this is what we came up with.

Dear Santa,

We have all been extremely good this year. We would like you to seriously consider granting the following wishes.

We wish:

  • That the eagerly awaited new book by our favorite author is published early.

  • That our favorite author doesn’t die before we do, not that his/her style changes, nor that they become senile and start writing drivel.

  • That our favorite author doesn’t kill off our favorite character.

  • That best-selling books had literary merit (only occasionally) and that some might actually stand the test of time.

  • That the publishing houses still employed editors.

  • That the publishing houses still employed proofreaders.

  • That prize-winning books had obvious merit to us mere mortals and not only the panel that chose the book as winner (Please explain some of the Newberry and Caldecott award winners to me.)

  • That, as the mystic, Indian, library philosopher / theoretician, Ranganathan stated – “Every Reader his book” -- that every library patron finds something in our library that meets their needs.

  • And that as /Ranganathan also stated, “Every Book its Reader” – that every book on the shelves finds someone interested in reading it.

  • That courtesy and civility were strapped on by employees and patrons as they entered the library and that they continued to wear them as they returned to the community.

  • That no new subject headings with “War” and/ or “Conflict” following geographic locations do not need to be created.

  • That no new subject headings for diseases like AIDS, and SARS don’t need to be created.

  • That books were checked out for exactly the amount of time it takes for you to read it (even if your Aunt Trudy unexpectedly arrived from Cleveland for a two week visit and you won’t have a minute to read.).

  • That magically, there were enough copies of best-sellers so that no one had to wait, or only had to wait long enough to appreciate getting the book, but not long enough to be frustrated.

  • That books were always returned on time so fines didn’t have to be charged.

  • That society was such that people came to the library only for books and other library materials, and not to get warm in the winter or to cool off in the summer.

  • That society was such that libraries didn’t have to provide safe harbor for children that would otherwise be going home to empty houses after school and during school breaks.

  • That there were enough computers for everyone or that one would open up the very minute that you thought you needed it.

  • That all the diverse points of view in the world, country, state - what have you- could be expressed in the materials on the shelves and not offend anyone.

  • That library materials would come back in the same or better condition that they left the library in and had all their various parts.

  • That no matter the volume of your normal speaking voice, when you entered a library your voice would be the exact right volume to be heard and understood and yet not destroy anyone else’s quiet enjoyment.

  • That the book you loved as a child and vaguely recollect as an adult (color, but not the title – but maybe a few words of it, no author) could be identified and located for you.

  • That if you really, really loved a book you had just checked out and read, you could keep it.

  • That a library cat (or dog or what have you)could “work” at the library without having to worry about allergic reactions.

  • That each library could afford to buy all the books, audio books, and other media that everyone wants.

  • That every night, magically, all the books and other library materials would put themselves back in perfect shelf order.

  • That children and adults would be filled with the joy and love of reading.

Thank you very much dear Santa!

Your Librarian Friends (who, we would like to remind you once again, have been very good this year and every year).

P.S. We left the cookies out on the circ desk and the milk is in the refrigerator.

P.P.S. The library closes at 3 p.m. on December 24th and is closed all day on December 25th.

P.P.P.S. The library closes at 3 p.m. on December 31t and is closed all day on January 1st.

P.P.P.P.S. Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!