December 8, 2011 - National Brownie Day

Here it is, the 8th of December, and you know what that means, don't you? Well, actually it means a couple of things. First, it means you only have 16 days - sixteen-until Christmas Eve is upon you. Still plenty of time to shop and wrap before the big, gift-giving winter holiday. It also is National Brownie Day - so perhaps you should bake a pan of brownies and share them with your local librarians?. It is also the first of the three days of the year when sunset is the earliest. December 8th, 9th, and 10th all have an official sunset of 4:22 p.m. On the 11th we gain back a minute at sunset. Now just because we quit losing daylight at the tail-end of the day, doesn't me the days don't continue to get shorter. They just get shorter on the sunrise side. We won't start gaining back light on that end of the day until January 9th. But the good news is we are almost to the shortest day of the year which, unfortunately, also means that Winter officially starts. Since it is dark, and you have made yourself a pan of brownies, why not get yourself a nice glass of milk and a good book, kick back and have a long-winter's read? Below you will find some fascinating titles to settle in with. Enjoy!