February 2, 2012 - Happy Ground Hog's Day!

Happy Ground Hog's Day! Those of you who are weather or rodent aficionados or indeed, weather and rodent wonks, were all a-twitter this morning waiting for the prognostication from the famous rodent that lives east of here in Sun Prairie, or even further east of here in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Whether or not you're fans of Jimmy or Phil, you've got to admit that a celebration based on waking up a large, sleeping rodent to determine if winter is going to stick around for another six weeks or not, tells you a whole lot about the human psyche and our need for hope when we are struggling against the cold and darkness of the winter months in northern climes. By the time you read this the illustrious Phil or Jimmy shall have already made their predictions and finally been allowed to return to their burrows for six more weeks of hibernating -- because we all know that winter in these northern latitudes will be pretty much over in mid-March no matter what the ground hogs say. But what better thing is there to do but settle in for a long-winter's read (and possibly, the Super Bowl) this weekend? I have lots of books to tell you about, so just mosey on down the page to see what might help you make it through the next six weeks of winter.