February 21, 2013 - History of the Day

Only one more week left in February and we all know what that means. It means the Winter Reading Program is drawing to a close. And with the end of the Winter Reading Program in sight, we hope that also means the end of winter is also in sight. February 21st is quite an interesting day - not only because it is the 52nd day of the year. On this date in 1842 the patent for the first sewing machine was granted to John Greenough. In 1848 Marx and Engels published the "Communist Manifesto" and oddly enough, in 1613 Mikhail I became Czar of Russia (the first Romanov) - historic irony at work? In 1878 the first telephone book was published in New Haven, Connecticut. In 1925 on this date the first "New Yorker" magazine was published. In 1948 NASCAR was incorporated. In 1958 the peace symbol was designed and completed by Gerald Holtom by a group opposed to atomic energy research. W.H. Auden, Erma Bombeck. Rue McClanahan, Tyne Daly, Mary Chapin Carpenter, and my cousin were all born on February21st. February 21st might just also be the day when you find a book listed below that you're really anxious to read. So cast your eyes down the page and check out what exciting new titles have arrived!

New Non-Fiction

cover art Bébé day by day : 100 keys to French parenting / by Pamela Druckerman. An alternative guide to raising children shares wisdom and insights with American parents on the most effective practices being used by their French contemporaries, drawing on the author's considerable research to offer essential insights into a range of modern concerns.