The Summer Reading Program has ended. The celebratory party has occurred. There is nothing left to do but to give you all the fascinating numbers. This year 600 participants read, earned a badge, and /or attended an event. Those participants read 33,132 books. Whew! That’s a whole lot of reading!
Every year, for more years than I care to remember, I have been reporting the number of pages read in concrete terms. I have converted the number of pages read (or pages listened to, or time spent reading) into inches, then converted those inches into miles, and then plotted that number of miles on a map. Since I have been doing this annually for enough years for this to have become a tradition, and since I’m wise enough not to tamper with a fine tradition, here goes!
Those 33,132 books read by those 600 people convert to 2,694,359 pages (using our traditional conversion formula). That’s just 4,490 pages read by every participant!
Now, on to the calculations which begin with this question: “If you laid all the pages of the books that were read end-to-end how many miles would they stretch?” The average size of a page is 9 inches tall which gives us (2,694,359 times 9” or) 24,249,231 inches (always show your work if you want to receive full credit). Then we take those inches and divide by 12 to give us 2,020,769 feet and then divide by 5,280 to give us 383 miles (BTW, last year we only read 308 miles ). So 388 miles east of DeForest puts about 5 miles west of Lima, Ohio. Going almost due south, you’d be somewhere south of St. Louis and somewhere north of Festus, MO. And if you headed west, you’d be somewhere between Adair and Avoca, Iowa. No matter how you look at it, that’s a lot of pages read. If you want to add to keep in shape for the soon-to-be-upon-us Winter Reading Program, below you will find some of the new books which recently arrived at the library. Enjoy!