June 14, 2012 - History of the Day

Here we are in the middle of June and we're well underway towards Summer as well. School's out, the Summer Reading Program is up and running, Concerts in the Park have started, Movies in the Park are about to start and we're six days away from the Summer Solstice. Today is Flag Day. On this day in 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted the flag of the United States. In 1916 Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14th as Flag Day. In 1949 an Act of Congress made this day "National Flag Day". Did you know that this day has a connection to Wisconsin? Well, it does. According to Wikipedia, and I quote "Working as a grade school teacher in Waubeka, Wisconsin, in 1885, Bernard J. Cigrand held the first recognized formal observance of Flag Day at the Stony Hill School. The school has been restored, and a bust of Cigrand also honors him at the National Flag Day Americanism Center in Waubeka. From the late 1880s on, Cigrand spoke around the country promoting patriotism, respect for the flag, and the need for the annual observance of a flag day on June 14." If you don't know where Waubeka is, it's in the Town of Fredonia, in Ozaukee County. Lots of books have arrived that are just perfect for summer reading. Enjoy