June 28, 2012 - Midpoint of Summer

It is nearly the end of June. A week from today it will be July 5th which means we are rapidly approaching the midpoint of Summer (and by Summer I don't mean astronomical that involves the sun passing some imaginary mark so that we arrive at the solstice). Meteorologically the middle of Summer, which encompasses the months of June, July, and August would be July 15th, I suppose. But if you think of Summer as being made up of three major holidays - Memorial Day, the 4th of July, and Labor Day. Then July 5th is pretty much the middle of Summer. Any way you care to think about it, there is still a whole lot of summer left. There's plenty of time to join the Summer Reading / Library Program and get rewarded for reading. There's plenty of time to attended any number of Concerts in the Park on Tuesday evenings of Movies in the Park on Friday evenings. If all the sunlight we have been enjoying for lo, these many weeks, has had you energized and hyped, why not select one of the many books listed below and take some time to sit in a shady spot, relax, and read. Make sure to watch for the library crew in the 4th of July parade. We'll be there!