June 7, 2012 - June is the National ___ Month!

How did it ever get to be June? Why it seems like only last week we were still in May and now here we are a fourth of the way through the lovely month of June. We all know that June is Dairy Month (Sort of hard to live in the Dairy State and miss that one!), but did you know it is also Aquarium, Candy, Rose, Gay Pride, and Turkey Lovers month too? It is also National Adopt a Cat Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, and National Accordion Awareness Month ( Not sure how you can be unaware of an accordion if you're anywhere in the vicinity.)? There are also at least 30 different special days (I don't think this is a coincidental to June having 30 days, but it might be!). Here are just a few of them. Today (June 7th) is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day - so treat yourself! Donald Duck Day is June 9th, Iced Tea Day the 10th, Sewing Machine Day on the 13th, Flag Day on the 14th, National Hollerin' Contest Day on the 16th, Father's Day on the 17th, Go Fishing Day on the 18th, International Panic Day on the 18 followed by National Splurge Day on the 19th (which I think might be a result of the Panic Day). On June 20th we have the Summer Solstice and by Ice Cream Soda Day ( a very nice drink to celebrate the official arrival of Summer, followed by Go Skate Day on the 21st, National Pink Day on the 23d, Forgiveness Day on the 26th, Paul Bunyan Day on the 28th and that's all I'm going to tell you about today. But if you need a hug because I was rather abrupt in ending this list, you might want to do it on the 29th! Our Summer Reading Program is underway. Below you will find many new titles that will keep you reading. Enjoy!