Library Board Approved Minutes - August 2, 2012

DeForest Area Public Library Regular Library Board Minutes
Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    • President Van Iten called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
    • Present : Blount, Englesby, Van Iten. Lawrence arrived at 6:30 pm.
    • Absent : Bales, Gorres, Zeimet.
    • Also present : Berg, Newbegin.
  2. Approval of Agenda
    • Motion to Approve as presented : Englesby.
    • Second : Blount.
    • Action : Approved.
  3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2012.
    • Motion to Approve as presented : Blount.
    • Second : Englesby.
    • Discussion : Van Iten noted in Item IX, the minutes should be corrected to read "policies would be reviewed in sections by Library Board". The correction will be made.
    • Action : Approved.
  4. Public Presentations / Communications
    • Berg noted both Village Administrator Steve Fahlgren and Village Clerk LuAnn Leggett were present. Mr. Fahlgren discussed his handout regarding the library building maintenance, repairs & replacement cost strategy with the Board. Mr. Fahlgren and Ms Leggett left the meeting after the discussion. Berg reported she had been contacted by Google regarding image mapping of the library for Google maps.
  5. Approval of Bills
    • Motion to Approve the Bills as presented : Englesby.
    • Second : Blount.
    • Discussion : Bills were discussed.
    • Action : Approved.
  6. Reports
    1. Director's - Berg handed out the SCLS contract and discussion followed. Berg noted the SCLS Technology budget was discussed at a meeting she attended, and that she and a few others voted no on it.
    2. President's - Van Iten stated she had helped with the Harry Potter Birthday Bash and she thought the event was very well-attended.
    3. Village Update - Blount reported the EMS now has a new ambulance, and the PD will soon have their replacement squad car. He also noted that the HWY 51 project will be starting this fall, and budget discussions are continuing.
  7. Old Business
    1. Discussion of 5 Year Capital Plan - Berg reported on the meeting she and Newbegin had with NAMI regarding the HVAC, costs, and equipment life.
  8. New Business
    1. Discussion of General Policy Manual (Pages 1-12).
  9. Future Agenda Items
    1. Review all General Policies.
  10. Adjournment
    • Motion to Adjourn : Lawrence.
    • Second : Blount.
    • Action : Approved.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm.

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