DeForest Area Public Library Regular Library Board Minutes
Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- President Van Iten called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
- Present : Englesby, Gorres, Lawrence, Van Iten.
- Absent : Blount, Hable.
- Also present : Berg, Newbegin.
- Approval of Agenda
- Motion to Approve as presented : Englesby.
- Second : Gorres.
- Action : Approved.
- Approval of Regular & Annual Meeting Minutes of June 9, 2016.
- Motion to Approve as corrected : Lawrence.
- Second : Englesby.
- Discussion : A correction needed in attendance was noted, and will be corrected.
- Action : Approved.
- Public Presentations / Communications
- None.
- Approval of Bills
- Motion to Approve the Bills as presented : Lawrence.
- Second : Gorres.
- Discussion : Berg noted the large bill for the wireless access point, and the large electric bill. Berg explained the DeForest Gridiron Club invoice and the bill for the new Concert in the Park signs.
- Action : Approved.
- Reports
- Director's - Berg discussed plans for the new Studio 203 area for interactive programs, and her conversation with Demco regarding the project, including another possible challenge grant. She also discussed the recent STEAM open house at the library, and the American Girl Fund for Children grant that provided funding for equipment. Berg noted a representative from the American Girl Fund for Children attended the open house and encouraged Berg to write another grant.
- President's - None.
- Village Update - None.
- Old Business
- Discussion and plans for fundraising for Challenge Grant.
- There was brief discussion about writing letters asking for face to face meetings. Berg discussed having the endowment donation envelopes added to the local newspaper distribution again in the near future. Berg also noted the Friends group may be doing an American Girl doll event as a fundraiser.
- Discussion and plans for fundraising for Challenge Grant.
- New Business
- Discussion about funding Post Retirement Benefits and HRAs
- Library Board members recalled discussing sick-leave pay out as a post-retirement benefit a couple of years ago. At that time the library board was of the opinion that the differential in pay between a newly hired replacement and the retiree could cover the pay-as-you-go payment and that staff who are currently receiving benefits would not all retire at once so that this post retirement benefit could be managed over time out of the operating budget. The library board did not wish to deny its employees a benefit that village employees have, but needing to find a lump sum when an employee retires that would be eligible for that HRA benefit did not seem possible within the library's existing operating budget. The board suggested continuing pay-as-you-go and asking the village board for additional funds to build a fund to pay for the HRA approach. The board suggested that a request for an amount (to be determine) be made to the village board as part of the 2017 budget and for the next 5-10 years to fund an HRA approach for library employees.
- Discussion of a small challenge grant opportunity.
- This was discussed as part of the Director’s Report.
- Discussion about funding Post Retirement Benefits and HRAs
- Future Agenda Items
- Election of Officers
- Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn : Gorres.
- Second : Englesby.
- Action : Approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.