Library Board Approved Minutes - June 3, 2021

DeForest Area Public Library Regular Library Board Minutes
Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
    • The meeting was called to order at 4:13 President Van Iten
    • Present: Englesby, Gorres, Landgraf, Lawrence, Zeimet, Runez (arrived at 4:18) and Van Iten
    • Absent: None
    • Also present: Library Director Berg
  2. Approval of Agenda
    • Motion to approve as presented: Englesby
    • Second: Lawrence
    • Discussion: None.
    • Action: All approved
  3. Approval of Minutes of May 6th meeting.
    • Motion to approve the minutes: Gorres
    • Second: Englesby
    • Discussion: None
    • Action: All approved with Landgraf abstaining.
  4. Public Presentations / Communications
    • None.
  5. Approval of Bills – Berg had emailed out the bill run prior to the meeting
    • Motion to Approve the Bills: Lawrence
    • Second: Gorres.
    • Discussion: Berg said that this was a fairly typical bill run. There are bills for books, dvds, audio books, utilities, and annual renewals of our movie licenses and Sign-up software that lists events on the library’s website and in the library app.
    • Action: All Approved
  6. Reports
    1. Director's - Zeimet asked a couple of questions about the new library app. Berg noted that when a patron signs in with our library card the template they see has all our information, color scheme, logo, and links to our electronic resources like Kanopy and Mango.
    2. President's - None.
    3. Village Update - Landgraf said that there was lots going on in the village. The splash pad in Fireman’s Park will have a grand opening on 6/11. Friday Flicks in the parks will be starting up. Streets all over the village are being seal coated. He noted that the condition of the streets was the number one concern amongst village residents. The Memorial Day ceremony had about 350 people attend it. The 4th of July celebration and parade are going forward. Using some of the money not used last year to have some free like rock wall climbing and pony rides.
    4. School Update - Runez noted that the last day of school was June 4th. He stated hat the old swimming pool has been filled in; that the district is supposed to gain occupancy of the Harvest Intermediate School in mid-August; and that Summer school starts at the end of June.
  7. Old Business
    1. Discussion about a post-pandemic strategic planning process.
      • Now that library staff has done some longer-range planning for programs, this will be used to create a survey to gather feedback from the community. This survey can then inform the strategic planning by the library board. Berg will bring back a draft survey at the next library board meeting for input and final edits. Landgraf noted that it was amazing how much stuff the library does.
  8. New Business
    1. Discussion and possible approval of addition to pandemic response policy.
      • Berg had sent out proposed language noting that this had been discussed with staff who does programming as well as those who are out with the public.
      • Motion to approve language: Zeimet
      • Second: Landgraf
      • Discussion: Landgraf stated that he had showed this language to the village board and that some members were not in agreement with requiring masks. There was discussion among the library board members about requiring masks. Some board members liked the idea of requiring masks but did not want to put library staff in the position of having to enforce that rule. After more discussion it was determined to use “strongly recommended” rather than “required” in the language about attending indoor library programs.
      • Motion to amend and approve the language by Zeimet.
      • Second to the amended language: Gorres.
      • Action: Motion carried with 1 nay.
  9. Future Agenda Items
    1. Survey for Strategic Plan
  10. Adjournment
    • Motion to Adjourn: Zeimet
    • Second: Landgraf
    • Action: All approved.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m. Next meeting July 1st, 2021.

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