DeForest Area Public Library Regular Library Board Minutes
Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- President Van Iten called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
- Present: Blount, Borden, Englesby, Gorres, Lawrence, Van Iten, Ziegler.
- Approval of Agenda
- Motion to Approve as presented : Englesby.
- Second : Gorres.
- Action : Approved.
- Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of April 3, 2014.
- Motion to approve as presented: Gorres
- Second : Englesby.
- Discussion : None.
- Action : Approved.
- Public Presentations / Communications
- Steve Fahlgren discussed the Fund 220 and the board donation accounts. LuAnn Leggett gave an update on the Library building issues.
- Approval of Bills
- Motion to Approve the Bills as presented: Gorres.
- Second: Englesby.
- Discussion: Director Berg mentioned a sign had been purchased for National Library Week. The SCLS movie license was discussed.
- Action: All approved.
- Reports
- Director's - Berg discussed SCLS shared services information and the cost formula breakdown. She hopes to have SCLS's costs by August and gave an update on the library sytem and e-commerce./li>
- President's - President Van Iten reported she had a discussion regarding Fund 220 and the donation account with Steve Fahlgren prior to this meeting.
- Village Update - Trustee Blount gave a brief update on the Sanimax issue.
- Old Business
- Discussion, clarification, and possible reconsideration of the motion made at the 12/05/13 meeting to transfer funds from the Library 220 funds to the Village's General Fund - "Designated for Building and Grounds". After a lengthy discussion the following motion was made.
- Motion: Borden moved to rescind the motion made at the 12/05/2013 and to replace it with a motion to keep a minimum of $15,000 in the Library 220 funds and transfer the remaining balance to the Village's General Fund - "Designated for Building and Grounds" with the understanding that the Library 220 funds for the purposes of this motion does not include the library board's donation checking account or money market. It was further moved that the transfer of these funds would be done by library and village staff annually or when deemed necessary and appropriate.
- Second: Gorres.
- Action : All approved.
- Discussion, clarification, and possible reconsideration of the motion made at the 12/05/13 meeting to transfer funds from the Library 220 funds to the Village's General Fund - "Designated for Building and Grounds". After a lengthy discussion the following motion was made.
- New Business
- Update, discussion, and evaluation of progress made to date on the Long-Range Plan 2012-2016. Berg suggested the document be revisited and updated, and pointed out some parts of the document. There will be more discussion at the next meeting.
- Future Agenda Items
- Long Range Plan
- Director's Evaluation
- Job Descriptions
- Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn: Blount.
- Second: Lawrence.
- Action : Approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.