DeForest Area Public Library Regular Library Board Minutes
Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- President Kathy Van Iten called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
- Present: Englesby, Gorres, Lowery, Van Iten, Lawrence, Zeimet
- Absent: Runez,
- Also present: Library Director Berg, Assistant Library Director Gisela Newbegin.
- Approval of Agenda
- Motion to approve as presented: Englesby
- Second: Gorres
- Discussion: None.
- Action: All approved
- Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August, 02, 2018.
- Motion to approve minutes: Gorres
- Second: Van Iten
- Discussion: None
- Action: Approved with two abstentions
- Public Presentations / Communications
- None.
- Approval of Bills
- Motion to Approve the Bills: Zeimet
- Second: Gorres
- Discussion: Berg noted that there were a lot of books on this bill run. The fall books have started to arrive. The Signs by Tomorrow bill was for a sign for The Workshop and for Studio 203 paid for with grant funds.
- Action: All Approved
- Reports
- Director's - Berg mentioned the student who will doing some cleaning at the library had toured the library in the morning and would be starting at the next pay period. Berg noted the quick turn-around needed to get a grant to the American Girl Fund For Children after they invited us to apply.
- President's - None.
- Village Update - Lowery mentioned that the new village trustee had been appointed. Paul Blount was returning to the village board. She noted that she was on the DeForest Housing Authority Board and that Jefferson Square and the village were having a dialog about who is responsible for the streets, plowing, and other maintenance. She mentioned that a severance agreement had been signed with the police chief and that the contract for the athletic complex at Conservancy Place had been signed
- Old Business
- Discussion and possible approval of the 2019 Budget draft.
- Berg distributed a budget draft with salary and wages rolled forward and a second draft with a 2% increase. Actual numbers for health and dental were available. Other insurance numbers were increased by 3% because of not having the actual numbers yet. Most line items remained the same. A line item for miscellaneous service was increased to become a place for non-capital maintenance and repair items. Spot carpet cleaning, cleaning the upholstery of the public task chairs, and replacing some of the comfortable chairs that have reached the end of their lives is anticipated for 2019. Line item 219 was increased to $3,500 and line item 340 “Operating Supplies” was reduced to $10,000. The increased revenues from Dane County and the surrounding counties for service to their citizens without a library increased by about $21,000. The library budget would increase with more dollars going to salary and wages, insurances, and other items while the village’s share would decline by about $1,300.
- Motion to approve the draft with the 2% increase to salary & wages: Englesby
- Second: Lawrence
- Action: All approved.
- B) Discussion and Possible Approval of Library Director’s Evaluation.
- Van Iten stated that she and Berg had met and discussed the language being proposed to supplement the compliance form. After discussion two motions were made:
- Motion to check the 1st box on the form: Gorres
- Second: Zeimet
- Action: All Approved.
- Motion to approve the supplemental document: Gorres
- Second: Lowery
- Action: All approved.
- Discussion and possible approval of the 2019 Budget draft.
- New Business
- Discussion of Long-Range Plan 2016-2021
- Goal 1 of the long range plan was examined. Number 4 was removed since it had been accomplished and another inserted to hire so that the same level of children’s programming continues. It was also suggested to change #5 to include wording that the starting wage for clerks and pages would attempt to keep up with the market.
- Discussion of Long-Range Plan 2016-2021
- Future Agenda Items
- Long Range Plan 2016- 2021
- 2019 Budget as needed
- Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn: Lawrence
- Second: Zeimet
- Action: All approved.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m.