March 29, 2012 - Spring

Sorry to have missed you all last week. I was driving back from the annual Public Library Association meeting in Philadelphia, PA and just couldn't find enough time to put a column together while I was driving-even though I could get wi-fi at some of the rest areas and could, theoretically, write a document on my smartphone. And what a difference being gone a week made! The trees are nearly leafed out, the grass is that you-could-just-eat-it-up-with-a-spoon green you only see in the Spring, motorcyclists and bicyclists are everywhere, and some ants decided to check out the kibble in the cat food dishes at my house. Today I saw some gentleman out cutting his lawn and there were lines at the gas station filling up red gas containers - I'm guessing for small gasoline engines of one sort or another. You can't get much stronger proof that Spring is really here than that! While Spring is arriving outdoors, it is also arriving indoors. The book publishers' Spring List of book titles have started to arrive which means there are lots of exciting, new titles for your reading pleasure. Cast your eyes down this page and see what new books are in store for you! Enjoy!