May 2, 2013 - National Days of Today

Here we are in the month of May and May has many things to offer. For example, May is Asparagus Month, as well as Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month, National BBQ, National Egg, National Hamburger, and National Salad Months. This first week of May is National Postcard Week as well as Teacher Appreciation Week. This day, May 2nd, is Dr. Benjamin Spock's birthday (1903) and Holocaust Remembrance Day. A useless piece of trivia (Although all pieces of trivia can be used for one-upping know-it-all's, say, at family gatherings, or when actually playing trivia games of one sort or another) -- no other month begins or ends on the same day of the week as May in any year, and January of the following year always begins and ends on the same day of the week as May of the current year. (To save you from having to verify this yourself by checking the closest calendar, I just did. Amazingly enough, it's true - at least for this year. Is that weird or what?). Another thing about the month of May is that the very end of the months puts us very, very, very close to the start of the Summer Reading Program. So, if you want to start training for the summer reading contest, below you will find a number of new and exciting books to read. Enjoy!