May 23, 2013 - Special National Days

May is a month that is filled with special days, special weeks, and month-long observances. For example, May is American Bike Month, Asparagus, Asthma & Allergy Awareness, and Flower month to name a few. It is also National Hamburger, Salad, and Strawberry month as well. Interestingly enough, the third week of May - of which we are currently in-has no special designation. May 20th (Monday) is Strawberry Picking Day. It is also Cher's, Dolly Madison's, and Jimmy Stewart's birthdays. The 21st is Armed Forces Day and the anniversary of the founding of the American Red Cross. Wednesday is the anniversary of Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood and National Maritime Day. Thursday is Victoria Day in Canada. Friday is Hug Your Cat Day (my cats made me put this in). Saturday is National Tap Dance Day, Towel Day and National Senior Health and Fitness Day. Sunday is National Sorry Day in Australia which is a fascinating annual event. This day is used to remind and raise awareness about the mistreatment of that continent's indigenous people. And that's it for this 3d week of May. There are a number of new books listed below for you to peruse. Enjoy!