May 31, 2012 - Summer

I know it's not officially Summer yet. Although what makes summer "official" is a little sketchy. Is it the end of school? Well, that hasn't happened yet. Is it heat and humidity? Well, that happened way back in March and has been popping up occasionally ever since. Is it being past the Memorial Day holiday on the calendars? Because that has happened? It is passing the solstice astronomically (or is that astrologically?)? Because that won't happen until June 20th. Is it reaching the highest daily average temperatures meteorologically (or is that climatologically?)? Because that happens July 2nd. Is it when the major book publishers begin releasing their summer reading lists? Well, that is happening now. Is it being able to register for summer reading story times and other activities? Because that is happening now? Is it being able to sign up for the library's Summer Reading Program? Because you can do that now? Well, no matter how you define summer, I think you will find there are many books from the publisher's summer lists for you to read. No matter how you define the official start of summer, I think you will enjoy kicking back and reading some of the new titles listed below in the shade of a tree with the warm winds of June wafting across the pages and ruffling them in the breeze. Enjoy!