October 11, 2012 - Today's History

Today is October 11th. It is the 284th day of the year (285th in leap year which would be the case this year) with 81 days remaining. It is also "National Depression Screening Day", "National Coming Out Day", "It's My Party Day", and "National Sausage Pizza Day" (according to Yahoo! News). Other sources note that this date is also - according to some sources - "National Take (or Bring) your Teddy Bear to Work Day". This was also the day in 1811 when the first steam-powered ferryboat - the "Juliana" - began operation. On this date the U.S. Federal Communications Commission issued the first license to broadcast television in color to CBS and in 1975 "Saturday Night Live" premiered with guest host George Carlin. Today is also the birthday of Eleanor Roosevelt, Elmore Leonard (Author), Daryl Hall (American Rock Singer), Steve Young (Football player), Joan Cusack (Actress), and me. October 11th is also a great day to check out all the great new Fall titles that have been arriving at the library on and almost daily basis. Below you will find a sampling of those books. Enjoy!