
Summer Teen Games - D&D

When (Date)

Teen Gamers and Dungeons & Dragons players, join us for a virtual campaign session on Zoom!

If you would like to participate, please email Teen Librarian Raechel (raechs [at] deforestlibrary.org (raechs[at]deforestlibrary[dot]org)) with the answers to: 

Thursday Teen Games

When (Date)

Hey teen gamers, join us for some Boredom Buster Games! Each week will be a different game or two that are easy to play on Zoom. If you are interested in participating, email Teen Librarian Raechel (raechs [at] deforestlibrary.org) with the answer to: What is your favorite game to play?

Please note, if you are under 13 please obtain your parent's permission before emailing Raechel. New teens are welcome, this program is for Middle School and High School kids only.

Thursday Teen Games

When (Date)

Hey teen gamers, join us for some Boredom Buster Games! Each week will be a different game or two that are easy to play on Zoom. If you are interested in participating, email Teen Librarian Raechel (raechs [at] deforestlibrary.org (raechs[at]deforestlibrary[dot]org)) with the answer to: What is your favorite game to play?

Hooray! It's Friday!

When (Date)
Instagram Live

Come learn a new recipe, craft, or something fun to try during the weekend.

Thursday Teen Games

When (Date)

Hey teen gamers, join us for some Boredom Buster Games! Each week will be a different game or two that are easy to play on Zoom. If you are interested in participating, email Teen Librarian Raechel (raechs [at] deforestlibrary.org) with the answer to: What is your favorite game to play?

Please note, if you are under 13 please obtain your parent's permission before emailing Raechel. New teens are welcome, this program is for Middle School and High School kids only.

Thursday Teen Games

When (Date)

Hey teen gamers, join us for some Boredom Buster Games! Each week will be a different game or two that are easy to play on Zoom. If you are interested in participating, email Teen Librarian Raechel (raechs [at] deforestlibrary.org) with the answer to: What is your favorite game to play?

Please note, if you are under 13 please obtain your parent's permission before emailing Raechel. New teens are welcome, this program is for Middle School and High School kids only.

Teen Games

When (Date)

Teen Gamers and Dungeons & Dragons players, join us for a virtual campaign session on Zoom!

We will be playing a campaign where you do not know who you are and you must discover a hidden secret.

If you would like to participate, please email Teen Librarian Raechel (raechs [at] deforestlibrary.org) with the answers to: 

Teen Games

When (Date)

Hey, Teen Gamers! Join us for a virtual Teen Games/Dungeons and Dragons session. We are going to see how Zoom works with meeting virtually for the group. Since we will not have your character sheets, we are going to run a session where you do not know who you are, but the dungeon master will.