
Fandom Friday - Books & Movies

When (Date)
Rosenberry Lounge & Teen Area

Join together with other fans of books and movies as we hold discussions, enjoy a craft, and maybe more.

Fandom Friday - Anime & Manga

When (Date)
Rosenberry Lounge & Teen Area

Join together with other fans of anime and manga as we hold discussions, enjoy a craft, and maybe more.

Starting in May, we'll be meeting twice a month AND watching an anime series during our time together!

Description of Anime:
A young man made of rubber, inspired by his childhood idol a powerful pirate, sets off on a journey from the East Blue Sea to find a mythical treasure and proclaim himself King of the Pirates.

Teen Games - Board Games

When (Date)

Teen Gamers and Board Gamers, join other gamers on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month to play a board game or two!

New teens are welcome, this program is geared for 5th to 12th grade students.

Teen Games - D&D

When (Date)
Community Room & Zoom

Teen Gamers and Dungeons and Dragons players, join other gamers after school!

If you aren't able to join us in-person, please email Teen Librarian Raechel (raechs [at] deforestlibrary.org) for a link to the Zoom session with the answer to these two questions:

  1. What is your favorite class and race?
  2. Who or what is your favorite book character?

Please note, if you are under 13 please obtain your parent's permission before emailing Raechel.

Tie-Dye Pie Extravaganza

When (Date)
Library Patio

The time has come for the Seahorses challenge reward to be claimed in the form of a Tie-Dye Pie Extravaganza!

All of the DeForest Area Middle School and DeForest Area High School Seahorses are invited to come to the Library Patio next Friday, August 27 at 5 pm and tie-dye pie Raechel, your school librarians, a few principals, and even some teachers.

So, get your tossing arms ready to claim your reward for all of the summer reading you did!

Star Wars Day

When (Date)
Instagram Live

Prepare for an adventure through space! Kits will be available on May the Fourth in the Library Street lobby, while supplies last.

Plus, join Teen Librarian Raechel at 3:30 pm on Instagram live, where she'll share her creations that can be made at home.

Also, after the Instagram live is over, the recorded video will be posted on our Facebook page.

Summer Creators' Lounge: Draw, Craft, Write

When (Date)
Instagram Live

A creative place for crafters, drawers, or writers. Feel free to tell us what you're working on and share pictures on Instagram.

Elves Vs Dragons Party

When (Date)
Library Patio

It is safe to announce that the Elves have demolished the Dragons this reading program.

As a reward the Elves are invited to come and tie dye a t-shirt and mask worn by Teen Services Librarian Raechel.

This outdoor event is limited to the first 25 people to arrive. Masks and social distancing are recomended.

Wahoo! It's Wednesday!

When (Date)
Instagram Live

Come learn a new recipe, craft, or something fun to try mid-week. For the non-food weeks, there will be a kit available in the Library St. lobby.