Page Turners

Rosenberry Lounge
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See our Calendar of Events for more dates.

Book Club for 4th - 6th Grade

Whether in intermediate, middle, or high school, if you enjoy reading, there is a book club for you at the library!

  • Page Turners: 4th - 6th grade - 1st Tuesday of the month
  • Flashlight Readers: 7th - 8th grade - 2nd Tuesday of the month
  • Checked Out Crew: 9th - 12th grade - 3rd Tuesday of the month

Each month, there will be discussions based on the book, a craft, a game, and possibly more. However, you're welcome to talk about any book that you've read in the last month.

Event Audience
December 3
January 7
March 4

In the Tunnel

Julie Lee

April 1

Singing with Elephants

Margarita Engle

May 6

Lei and the Fire Goddess

Malia Maunakea